Our console patches have gone live, addressing a number of common issues. Overall, performance has increased quite nicely, and some problems with Lore Store Unlocks were addressed.
For full notes: see below
- Overall optimization, performance, and stability increase
- Character with no movement points cannot move after using Dancing Nettle from Inventory
- Common soft lock caused by the movement slots rolling while the encounter menu is active
- Button prompt tag is doubled up
- Dungeons lack dungeon name and life pool display
- The game crashes after equipping Defender of Light shield
- The game can go into an unresponsive state when exchanging items between players
- Switch Controller Rumble/Vibration too strong
- Animation translation issues
- Achievements, statistics, and Lore Store bugs
- Highlighting an enemy or the user’s boat may cause clusters of black pixels to appear
- Screen with Congratulations at the end of Frost Adventure is displayed in low quality on Nintendo Switch in TV Mode
- The title may become unresponsive when attempting to close a quest without accepting it in the Quest Board menu
- One-time crash after going into another characters inventory while in market with a different character
- Incorrect Texture on Harazuel portal floor
- Lore Store Progress gets deleted/reset
- Overworld hexes are low res
- Unresponsive state after killing a mimic in a Snow Cave
- The Unihorn is inconsistent with the item description
- Turn ends automatically when a player with Auto End Turn option enabled tries to recall a ship with 0 movement points left
- Overworld camera wobbles when selecting item from inventory
- The title gets blocked on transition screen between Main Menu and Online Co-Op menu after specific steps
- Female versions of Hunter and Minstrel without helmets have seam-line on their hairs
- Frequent Crashes after long periods of play
- Deimos’ Crystals on the water turn into terrestrial enemies when the Scourge is defeated